2013: #18 – 10 lb Penalty (Dick Francis)

Title: 10 lb Penalty Author: Dick Francis Format: Kindle Pages:  320 Release Date: September 22, 1997 Publisher: Berkley Source: personal copy Read the back of the book A wanna-be jockey accepts a job in his father’s campaign for Parliament—and realizes that politics can be the most perilous horse race of all. My thoughts: Dick Francis mysteries have a quality to them that’s difficult to explain.

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2006: #55 – Proof (Dick Francis)

Title: Proof Author: Dick Francis Genre: Suspense Fiction Publisher: Berkley Publishing Group Release Date: July 1, 2005 Pages: 356 Wine merchant Tony Beach has expertly catered his latest society soiree, but the fun’s over when a team of hit men crash the party…literally. The event leaves Tony with a bitter aftertaste of suspicion–and sets off a mystery that’s an intoxicating blend of deception, intrigue, and

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